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COMAP举办庆祝MCM/ICM举办30 周年有奖征文活动,欢迎参加!
作者: www.mcm.edu.cn 2012-11-13 15:48

为庆祝美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)举办 30 周年,美国数学及应用联合会(COMAP) 决定举办有奖征文活动,征文对象是参加过竞赛的学生和指导教师。文章类容主要是描述竞赛如何对作者的成长起到的影响(包括读研及就职方面的影响),以及作者所在的大学对参赛提供的支持。如果作者所在的大学对 Outstanding Winner 论文的作者提供了奖励,欢迎提供颁奖大会的照片。

征文必须用英语及11 号或 12 号字体书写,每篇文章(包括照片在内)不得超过 3 页。被选用的文章将在 COMAP 的网页上刊登,COMAP 还计划将其中的一些文章整理成册以书籍的形式出版。对每篇所选用的征文的作者,COMAP 将免费提供一年的 COMAP 网上会员或一本 COMAP 出版的书籍的奖励。

征文请用电子邮件的方式寄到 story@comap.com,征文截止日期(暂定):2013 年4月 15 日。

如果需要知道更多的信息请与 CUMCM 组委会秘书长、清华大学谢金星教授(jxie@math.tsinghua.edu.cn)或 COMAP 中国合作总监、美国麻省大学王杰教授(wang@cs.uml.edu)联系。




Call for Stories

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the MCM/ICM contests, COMAP is soliciting stories from students and faculty advisers. We are interested in learning how the MCM/ICM contests impacted your education advancement and career development, and what kind of support you received from your universities. For example, did you receive awards from your universities for an Outstanding Winner Paper? Photos of award ceremonies are always welcome.

Stories must be written in English, and each story should not exceed 3 pages (including photos) with 11pt or 12pt font. Selected stories will be published on the COMAP website, and some of them may also be included in book form. COMAP will provide authors of selected stories with a one-year free COMAP web membership or a free COMAP publication.

Please submit your stories to story@comap.com.

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