A Brief Introduction

CUMCM means Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (for participants from universities/colleges in China Mainland and Macau SAR, the first "C" means China). It is an annual contest for undergraduates all over the world, organized by CSIAM (China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics). It has been held annually since 1992. 

In the contest, up to three students (they must be from the same institution, but it does not matter they are from majors in mathematics or from non-mathematical fields) advised by at most one teacher (optional) form a team. The team's task is to develop in three days mathematical and/or computer models to solve a simplified real-word problem in engineering, management, etc. During the contest days, the students can use any references or materials they can find (including the materials on the INTERNET), but discussions with the advisor or out-of-team members are forbidden. The role of the contest is to improve students' understanding of mathematics, especially mathematical modeling and mathematical software, and to enhance students' motivation for studying mathematics and to cultivate students' creativity and overall ability.

The Awarding system of the contest

The teams are rewarded as first and second prizes with certifications issued by the organizer. All other teams that successfully participate the contest will get certifications of "Successful Participation". All the certifications will be in electronic version (PDF-format files) only, and will be emailed to you after the contest judging is completed.

PLEASE NOTE: Starting from 2019, the "University" level/type teams (i.e., 3-4 years university students) should choose any one from Problems A, B or C;
The "College" level/type teams (i.e., 2-3 years college students only) can choose any one from Problems A, B, C, D or E.

Contest Dates

In each year, the contest will last for about 72 hours, starting at 6:00PM on a Thursday in September (Beijing Time), and ending at 8:00PM on Sunday (Beijing Time). (That is, the first two hours from 6:00PM to 8:00PM for downloading the contest problems are not included in the 72-hour contest time). Before the contest deadline, the participants should upload their solution packages . The details of the contest dates will be announced at the homepage of this website.  


Please register by email before the deadline specified on this website (usually two days before the start of the competition) (Only applicable to participants from outside the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong SAR, and Macao SAR).A team consists of up to three undergraduate students supervised by up to one advisor (optional). All team members must be from the same institution.Please fill in your valid email address, which will be used to receive your electronic participation certificate after the contest.

For more information, please refer to the "Contest" menu for FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).


Note: For participants from universities/colleges in Chinese Mainland, Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR, please visit The Chinese Version  for more information.

If you have any questions concerning the contest or registration process, please contact:
Huayu Lv

CSIAM Office, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Email: contest@csiam.org.cn

Tel: +86 10 6278 1785

Jinxing Xie

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Email: xiejx@tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86 10 6278 7812

Hope the information is useful to you and welcome the undergraduates all over the world to participate in CUMCM. Enjoy!

@1992-2024 All Rights Reserved.   Organizor: CSIAM (China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)